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How to Get Started
Contact us online: Fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page or send an email to kelly@taplearningservices.com, and we will get in touch with you about setting up an initial phone call. If you're interested in virtual tutoring, please email beth.mares@taplearningservices.com.​
Phone Call: We will discuss your specific concerns for your child. It will be helpful to know if you have been referred to TAP Learning Services by a licensed psychologist, teacher, or if your gut is just telling you something's not quite right.
Assessment: After the phone consultation, we will arrange for an informal assessment. This will provide information for where to begin tutoring.
Begin Tutoring: Tutoring sessions are typically 2x/week for 45-min. Remediation efforts take time, and we look forward to going on the journey with you and your child. In-person and virtual tutoring options are available.
TAP Learning Services tutors are trained at the Associate Level or higher. We seek to provide only the highest quality tutoring to all of our clients.